Sunday, November 1, 2009

why i liked nur kasih (note the past tense)

so, here goes... selepas sekian lama tak menjenguk blog, tetiba jenguk, nak buat topik ni la pulak.. why i liked nur kasih... okay, past tense? yeah, because i don't like it as much as i did before...
but to start with why i liked it in the first place... is because it's the first (i think, as far as i know) long drama on our national tv yg actually reveal out islamic theme.. mungkin banyak yg ada dekat tv9, or oasis, or apa lagi tu, but then it's the first (again, i think, sebab x byk sgt tgk national tv sebenarnya, byk lyn star movies, hbo) dekat tv3... yg sebelum ni duk menayang citer macam spaQ, matahari yg entah apa-apa motifnya... moral yg boleh diambik pun mekap la banyak2, lepas tu ngorat la sebanyak lelaki yg boleh.. what... the... hell...?
then, tetiba keluarla nur kasih... hv 2 admit, x tengok pun first episode, sebab x sedar pun kewujudannya... apabila sedar, terbit kagum itu di hati... haa... now a malay story which i can actually watch without cringing from make up and stupid dare-you-to-bite-me glances... now, here comes a malay story which we can actually learn something... debate, at last...
senyap dah sekejap malay drama yang mengaku malay drama, tapi speaking omputih memanjang, pastu pakai baju yang dah bukan takat menjolok mata, dah mencolok mata, menonyoh mata, segala ada...i mean, come on la... ada budaya sendiri, buat la budaya sendiri... malay is a beautiful culture, yg nak pergi tiru drama mexican, spanish venezuala tu buat hapa??
buat penat tahan muka nak mekap sejam...
so, berbalik pada nur kasih... put aside the actress/actor confession yg dia orang tak amalkan pun sepertimana cerita (that's their prob, x yah kisah), it's a nice story... typical romance, yeah, but islamic... that's what counts... romantic gaya islamiah... memang sahabat Nabi pernah cerita pun Rasulullah was a romantic husband, so it's not wrong...
plot dia pada mulanya macam tak boleh agak, tapi towards the end dah macam boleh nampak... even my brother pun dah fed-up, and i think for most part, he's right... so, here comes the part why i don't like it that much anymore...
this is what my bro complained: kenapa la nur tu lembik sangat? heh, susah sangat nak buat keputusan nak terima balik adam ke tak... well, tu namanya nak panjangkan cerita...
then, kisah katrina yang tergantung sekejap: x tau la kot-kot i'm missing the episode, but how did she transform herself so drastically? just because she had cirrhosis? no... tengok macam way before that... so when? then, the fact that she could change just proved that adam was not a good enough husband for her.. sebab tak boleh ajar dia betul2.. tinggal bodo je pergi kejar si nur... that is kinda irresponsible of him, in my opinion...
then, sara: kenapa la minah yang sorang ni tak sedar-sedar lagi? a good man is for a good woman, and vice versa... and i think a good islamic story should make a villain (aka sara) change for good.. ni nampak gayanya, macam tak tukar-tukar lagi... duk kacau, fitnah si alya dengan aidil pulak...
ending, okay, happy for adam and nur... but, seriously, i'm sad for katrina... okay, some people might say, it's what she deserves, but come on la... she's changed... and anyone changed for good deserves a second chance, ey? i prefer my ending of the story... and this is it: she found a good enough man yang tak give up bimbing dia, and so dia mintak cerai dengan adam nak kahwin dengan mamat tu... eh, well, maybe the word cerai is taboo for the drama, but hey, happy ending for her too... apa la nak buat sangat dia sakit, then mati... adam dulu minum arak jugak.. silap-silap ada jugak cirrhosis mamat tu, cuma tak detect lagi... ambik kau, sad ending for every1, except for alya and aidil... on second thought, okay jugak.. dah nur pun lembik sangat, adam pun tak cukup adil (walau berapa banyak kali dia cakap dia try), sara pun dah jahat sangat, sad ending je la untuk dia orang.. senang... boleh buat second season...
heh, will i watch the next season? no. too predictable... now, i can say i only watch it only when there's nothing better on star movies or hbo...
wanna know why i prefer those two stations? sebab dia orang tak hipokrit... they are american channels, so they show american or occasionally british stories... that's their culture and they are proud to show them...
kita punya channel tv still merangkak lagi nak show they are proud of our culture, tak kisah la banyak mana pun dia siar lagu-lagu kebangsaan... end up yg ditengok adalah cerita, dah kalau cerita pun duk tiru budaya luar, tak ke fed up...? hm....
enough said. babai.

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