saying goodbye is never easy... be it to a person, to a childhood memory, to a pet, a teddy bear, a whatever else you hold so dear to your heart...and it's not easy for me to say it to my laptop...
yup,it's broken, or more specifically, its screen is half-blank. and you know laptop... the most expensive parts of it for repair are the screen and the motherboard.over 1000 ringgit nak baiki, baik beli baru. tu pun kalau ada spare partnye, and i've asked. my laptop is five years old and 1 month (and berapa hari ntah) and its screen is those big ones you got a few years ago... spare part is hard to get by, if there is any at all... so there... it's gone... finally... after five years...isk...
my laptop... one of the few things hard for me to say goodbye to...
iyola... dah segala-galanya dicurahkan di situ. first time beli, i think it was on 29th april 2004. second year pharmacy uitm... time tu dah start nak kena buat presentation bertimbun-timbun, dan baru dapat duit tunggakan jpa, so spend it on the best thing ever... a laptop...
dan bukan setakat presentation je yang dibuat di situ... curahan hati... and my first ever finished-but-not-yet-published novel... thesis...curahan hati lagi...second novel attempt.. and third... and forth and fifth... and it's gone...
teringat zaman-zaman bersuka ria main game dynomite, and spongebob and all others... zaman-zaman melayan one tree hill kat screennya yang beso itu, meleleh air mata layan hindustan and other movies...God, i miss those memories... and that laptop shared them with me all the way...isk...
and its one damned good one too. jarang betul buat hal... wireless internet ok je, walaupun tak laju sangat... download lagu pun jalan je...burn lagu pun olrait je... cume kadang-kadang tersekat kalau nak play dvd pirate... tapi tu memang boleh agakla...reboot pun dua kali je dalam 5 tahun ni... first time kat computer lab fakulti, masuk virus.. second time pun sebab masuk virus jugak, by someone yang dah tak bertegur sapa dengan aku...isk, tu lagi satu masalah, tapi malas nak pikiaq dah...
it's hard to say goodbye...damn.. i even called it my baby...
so here it is... a tribute to my laptop... nowhere else to write it to, except at this blog... so i can read it over and over and reminisce old memories...dan untuk siapa-siapa yang terngigau mamai terbaca blog ni, here it is... my curahan hati for my laptop... dear baby, i'm going to miss you so damned much!!
'Rumah Baru' a.k.a Wattpad
5 years ago