hm, seeing that title almost made me laugh out loud. cam kelakar tengok tajuk skema semacam kat blog main2 i ni... but anyway, for those yg x tau, kursus is well, a kursus, which is basically an education session that might take a whole day to accomplish or 2 weeks at the most (from what i heard, if longer than that, dah x panggil kursus, baik panggil kuliah, or kelas or the most boring thing in the world or hm, whatever)...kuikui...and kaunseling...
well, kaunseling atau nk ejaan omputihnye, counseling, is basically a session between 2 or more people to handle things one person can't handle it alone... that was basically what i can conclude from the kursus yg pada mulenye malas gile nk pergi, but end up pergi jd bestla plak... but the best part tu sebab die byk fokus on the counseling technique in general, not only for methadone clients, tu yg best.. kalau focus on methadone client je, mau nk muntah hijau ku dibuatnye...
so, what the hell is methadone?
methadone is a harm reduction, and i repeat, harm reduction treatment for drug addicts...there, simple, to the point, and serve the purpose. bukan ape nk repeat sgt harm reduction part tu, tapi tu yg dibrainwashed kan pada kami yg pergi kursus (kursus lagi!) pendispensan methadone dolu2 tu... dan diaorg nk sgt ckp harm reduction sebab, kat malaysia setakat ni xde lg yg betul2 pulih from drug addiction selepas ambik methadone... so nk cover, ckpla harm reduction, instead of really a curing treatment... tp tula sebenarnye... x pastila methadone ni betul2 blh x menyembuhkan drug addiction... byk studies kate boleh, in theory kate boleh, in reality? Wallahualam... harap2 bolehla...
kalau nak harapkan harm reduction, it wasn't because of methadone alone... this is where counseling plays a major role sebenarnye... kalau nk harapkan diaorg datang minum kat depan pharmacist every day for at least 2 years, naik muak jugak diaorg... buatnye lagi tgk muke pharmacist yg muncung masam macam i ni... lgla x mau... so, ape yg blh buat diaorg lekat, besides the fact that methadone is free kat hosp n klinik kerajaan, yela, dah x yah perabih duit beli dadah kat luar, is counseling.
so, from pharmacist's part, x byk pun yg boleh dikaunsel... setakat side effects, interaction tu bolehla... but the rest? counsellorla...pharmacist x leh nk memandai-mandai kalau dh bukan bidang die...
tapi this kursus helps jugakla... simple2 things, bile diaorg datang ngadu benda bukan ubat,at least blhla tahan dengar je... masuk telinge kanan, laju berdesup kuar kut kiri... kadang2 tu x sempat kuar kut kiri pun, kuar kut kanan balik... but then, tula teknik kaunseling yg paling powerful... listening... attentively... dh habis kuar sume aduan, dan dh beredar pun org yg mengadu, dh x ingat ape dh org yg diadu... but then, even us, when we talk 2 someone and she/he listens, we feel relieved already, at least a bit... so tu kire dh tolong dh...
n this kursus helps that way... i mean, bukan klien methadone je yg perlu dikaunsel... org2 lain pun in our everyday life.. even we ourselves. so this kursus helps to calm our mind, make us listen 2 those voices in our head more attentively and those art techniques really were damned fun!
so basically, dari x nak,menyampah, alergi nak pergi kursus kaunseling ni, jadi suke and enjoyla pulak...
tapi, in the methadone clients' punye kes, kalau buatnye diaorg anjur kursus untuk methadone je, ade i lari berdesup dengan kelajuan lagi laju dari halaju cahaya! hehehe... tamaula... bosanla...
hah, nak kena brainwash lagi kut...tamau!!kesimpulannye, x sampai lagi tahap nk betul2 tolong diaorg ni... ntahle, dh byk sangat kot tengok yang rosak, naik fedup pun ade...
serious, memang nak kena brainwash lagi...
'Rumah Baru' a.k.a Wattpad
5 years ago
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