i had this one methadone patient coming to the clinic today with stitches around his badly swollen right eye and which can barely be opened... and both eyes were bloodshot... i was stunned for a moment.. apa kena pulak la?? i asked him what happened, and he said some idiots, four or more, beat him...
the story, according to him, goes like this: he was helping his friend, another methadone patient, to send his rosak motorcycle to a workshop... okay, fine, then he went home ke ke mana entah, tak tau la... and then suddenly the workshop people called him and accused him of stealing some spare parts, ke equipments apa entah kat workshop tu, and beat him... without proof.. oh, wait, they claimed they had proof... they asked a 'tok bomoh' and the 'tok bomoh' said the stuff was stolen by this guy.. who knew nothing whatsoever about it... what.the.hell?
and this mangsa keadaan had to pay for something he didn't do just because a tok bomoh said he did it.. i mean, come on.. what world are we living in? ingat ni macam citer p ramlee, nujum pak belalang ke nak pakai bomoh-bomoh predicted those things? tau tak p ramlee tu cuma nak sindir orang melayu, yang percaya sangat dengan benda syirik macam tu... ni, contohnya la ni... idiots who don't have any better reason to accuse an innocent man, guna alasan tok bomoh... tak ke stupid, bodoh namanya tu??
in my opinion, they just used that as an excuse... ada ke tok bomoh zaman sekarang boleh tengok dalam a bowl of water and nampak pencuri macam p ramlee buat dalam citer tu nampak perompak sembunyikan lembu n kambing tu?i don't think so... they just say whatever fixed their minds to say, as long as somebody pays for the blame... and furthermore, i suspected that they knew this guy was a drug addict (and i stress the word 'was', because he is on methadone treatment, he wants to change and he is changing, slowly.. dah tak ambik dadah, dah tak nampak serabai), and they thought people won't question their accusation...
and this is where i'm angry at... i mean, come on la... i spent almost every day going to that clinic and seeing these guys who used to be sampah masyarakat (as they called it before) changing from drug addicts to someone who have found something better in their lives. i'm not saying i have soft spots for them, ada je kadang-kadang tu rasa nak ketuk kepala dia orang ni, but then these people, most of them, anyway, including this guy really aspired to change... i saw with my own eyes their improvement... daripada rambut ada ekor ngalahkan ponytail perempuan dah dikerat jadi cropped head... dari berjambang, berjanggut ngalahkan dumbledore, dah dicukur jadi whiskers je... nampak dia orang nak berubah, image-wise, and thinking-wise... but then, when society, other people who don't understand, treat them like this, their only-just-budding self confidence dropped back to ground zero... silap-silap boleh jadi depressed, boleh jadi ambik dadah balik... do we want that? no, of course not, dammit! tau tak betapa susahnya dia orang nak sedar, nak lawan that seductive addiction and to come to the clinic and admitting they need treatment? tau tak how much courage they have to have to be able to do that?and people senang-senang je tuduh dia orang buat macam-macam, just because he used to be useless before... poor guy... he cried in front of me today... and i got quite speechless, didn't know what to do...
have to admit, though, biasa je tuduh orang.. kalau dengar cerita ada rumah kena masuk pencuri ke, nampak mamat suspicious sikit tengah duk cari besi buruk nak jual ke, memang automatik akan tuduh ha, tu mesti drug addict nak cari duit nak beli dadah... might be true, might be not... mana tau kut yang duk cari besi buruk tu sebab nak jual nak biaya pelajaran nak jadi doktor ke apa ke? we don't know people's actual intention, because we can't read people's mind and what's in their heart...
but, i do believe this guy didn't do what he was accused of... and he was beaten like he was a piece of crap, useless and guilty of everything... kesiannya...
at the end of the clinic tadi, memang ramai lagi patients methadone yang stayed, dengar cerita... this guy wanted to go to the police right after methadone, to make report... i heard a few of the guys, asking him to tell them if ever he wanted to payback... deep down i agreed... heh, but i can't actually support them directly, not a very professional thing to do in my line of work.... tak nak jugak nanti masuk headline berita, patient methadone hosp hulu trg mengamuk kat workshop mana2 entah because pharmacist dia orang suruh pergi balas dendam... but still, i smiled to myself secretly... because at that particular point of time, i saw the bond between these people grow... they've come this far to change, and along the way they made friends, and they had each others' backs... secretly, i'm proud of them, of that particular spirit and support they showed to fellow comrade...
tapi, kalau ada yang betul2 buat perangai, memang namanya nak kena ketuk kepala je tu...:)
'Rumah Baru' a.k.a Wattpad
5 years ago
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